Together in Spirit

Childcare Program

Childcare is offered during the 10:00am Sunday Mass for children ages 1-3. No reservation is necessary. The Childcare Room is staffed by a trained employee whenever childcare is provided. Volunteers assist the Childcare Staff.

Childcare is offered by request for the following programs – New Parishioner Program, Choir practice, Parenting Programs and other programs based on need. Call (651) 784-3015 ext.113 to reserve a spot.

Childcare is also provided, if needed, for catechists who teach in the evening parish Faith Formation programs. If ongoing care hasn't been arranged for your child, call (651) 784-3015 ext.113 to reserve a spot.

There is no set fee for childcare; however, the suggested donation is $2.00 per child per use. Volunteers are needed and encouraged to assist in providing care in the Childcare Room as needed.

Be a volunteer! Assist with childcare during Sunday at 10:00am Mass (except on Holiday weekends), Monday morning, Monday evening or Wednesday evening masses.