Together in Spirit

Browsing From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Easter Blessings

Halleluiah – He is risen!

It was on the ‘first day of the week’ that Mary of Magdala and the disciples discovered the empty tomb where Jesus had been laid, a perfect time for something ‘new’ to unfold among the human family. The resurrection of Jesus assures us of the ultimate promise of eternal life.

At our Holy Saturday Easter Vigil, we had 10 adults and 6 children RCIA candidates experience something ‘new’ as they were brought into the fullness of our Catholic faith through the reception of initiation sacraments. As we move into the Easter season we congratulate and promise our newly initiated that we will walk with them as God’s Spirit inspires them to be the hands and heart of the risen Christ.

We welcome: Hydee Delores Corbin, Julie Beth Herbst, Jared Lee-Edward Houle, Matt Kassara, Kent Mathew Kogler, Derek Robert Olson, Jessica Anne Olson, Julie Ann Regenscheid, Jason Everett Richardson, Terri Lynn West, Incy Zuscely Brix, Ricardo Alexander Brix, Alexis Anne Marie Friesen, Alexandra Aguilar Ramos, Jaqueline Aguilar Ramos and Eliane Yvonne Young.

Easter Blessings to you and your family,Steve Robach, Director of Religious Education


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