Together in Spirit

Browsing From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Recognizing the Shepherd's Voice

This had been a wonderful beginning of Spring. I think that with the slowing down of all sorts of activities the generation of Springtime becomes much more focused (for me at least). The birds have been making their beautiful music as they begin their nesting. The greening grass becomes lovelier each day. I watched with a grateful heart the blooming of the tulips and daffodils that were planted by our faith formation students a couple of years ago. Although our very busy world of sports and work has been slowed down our plant continues its very regular pace of renewal. There is something very healing in this.

In today's Gospel, Jesus tells us that he is the gate of the sheepfold. Inside the sheepfold the sheep find rest and security. He also speaks of the shepherd who enters through the gate. In this passage he does not tell us that he is the good shepherd, instead he is the gate through which the shepherd passes to lead his flock out to pasture. Jesus seems to be talking of the leaders of the Church he will form. They have to first pass through the gate themselves (to be in Christ) and then find a flock within that sheepfold that listens to his voice and once they have, then they follow him to the pastureland.

We form a multi- flock. When the shepherd arrives to call that flock not everyone recognizes that he is their shepherd. The ones within the flock that recognize his voice are happy to be led by him, while the others (who were in the sheepfold and had walked through the gate-so they are one with Christ) complain and get frustrated because they do not recognize the shepherd as theirs. I think this is a normal happening. It doesn't surprise me that I get good compliments by many parishioners and there are others who complain (I usually hear those complaints sideways (from others)) because I am just not doing the right stuff. Hopefully, another shepherd will come one day, and they will finally recognize that voice and happily follow him.


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