Together in Spirit

Browsing From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Summer Adventures

Summer adventuresIt is the first day of summer and I am already beginning to feel as if the season has slipped by me.  I am writing on the longest day of the year, now begins the slow and steady descent into the darkness.  These are the days that I have been waiting for, when everything seems to pause and we take a breath before we plunge into the very busy days of festival and the new beginnings of school. Today the important stuff is getting the grass cut and making sure the gardens are thriving.  Already the farmers markets are open selling fresh grown crops and flowers.  It seems just a couple weeks ago we were getting those gardens ready.  

Because of the cyclical nature of life, it is easy to get into routines that meet the challenges of the day but never move us to a new level or a deeper understanding of self. Think about that profound moment when you became a parent and lost all of your old routines while adjusting to the new gift of life.  As hard as the struggle was, you began to discover new truths about yourself.  I know that it is important to keep routines for the security of your children; yet for them and you the best way that they can discover new things about themselves is to move out of their comfort zones.  They (and you) need to have a few adventures where you might not feel so in control of the world around you.  There is nothing scarier and more wonderful than being in a tent during a thunderstorm. Don't let this summer slip by without some kinds of adventure for you and your children.  

One of my favorite adventures though my teenage years was going camping with my father and brother.  Sometimes it was a car camping trip to see different parts of the US; other times we would spend a week in the BWCA. Every trip had its own unique challenges and adventures, most of which no one could plan or prepare for.  But it brought us closer, and we learned to depend on each other and to step up as necessary.  

I hope you get a chance to step out of your routines for some time this summer; to try something different and discover more about yourself in doing so. 

 Happy summer!


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