Together in Spirit

Browsing From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Thank You

We certainly had a beautiful entry into the Easter season!  I want to thank all who helped our community step into this season of the resurrection. Andrea Grasse with the choir, the accompanists and the cantors created wonderful music to celebrate the movement from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday.  Barb Koditek and her partner Bernie Settem along with the untold decorating crew did a marvelous job transforming our worship space for our Lenten and Easter seasons. Don Trudeau has helped create an excellent server crew who very ably assisted Fr. Ken and me during these great liturgies. Thank you to the lectors, extraordinary Eucharistic ministers, hospitality ministers. You all did your jobs so well that even though we had big crowds on Easter Sunday I didn’t notice any burden on our community at all. I want to thank Steve Robach and all of those who work with him in preparing our RCIA candidates for their entry into our community at the Easter vigil. 

On this Sunday we continue the celebration of Easter with a pancake breakfast and an Easter egg hunt. Thanks to our Faith Formation directors and their many volunteers who have throughout the year shared their faith with our young people. In the coming weeks we will see first Communion and Confirmation celebrated as our children continue to grow in their journey of faith. Many thanks to the volunteers who come into the office to help prepare for many of the faith formation events such as the medal Mass and the Easter egg hunt. 

I want to thank all of you who welcomed old neighbors and invited new people to come and join us over the Triduum. That outreach makes a huge difference as we continue to grow our community.  



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