Together in Spirit

Browsing From the Desk of Fr. Mike

These are Precious Days

I am grateful that I can announce to you that your new pastor is Rev. William (Bill) Deziel. He is currently the pastor of Annunciation in South Minneapolis. As you contemplate the future of our community it will be tempting to find out as much as you can about him. I encourage you to do so, but please, do not ask me anything about him. I am trying very hard to pave the way for him to enter into the community in such a way that there will be no prejudices or judgements of him before he ever starts. All I will say of him is that I like him and that he is a good man and a good priest. The rest is for you to discover as you welcome him as your new pastor.

As of the moment that I am writing this article I still have not heard the final word about where I will be living. It is Tuesday
morning. I am hoping that sometime this week the approvals will happen, and I will know clearly what and where my new
home will be. I am grateful to have these last couple of months to spend with you. Although I will be avoiding any discussions
about the future of the parish (that belongs to the new guy) I sure will enjoy remembering with you the life we have lived
together. At the same time, I will begin dreaming about the future where God is leading me. As time and opportunity
allows I will come back for some of the great parish festivities: the festival; the variety show. I will not come back for funerals;
that belongs to the pastor’s care. I know several of you have told me that I would be doing their funerals, but I will really be
trying to stay out of the way of your new pastor’s ministry.

These are precious days for us, to soak in the grateful spirit we have shared these past nine years and to open ourselves to the
wonder of our futures.


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