Together in Spirit

Browsing From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Week of Contrasts

This is our last weekend before we begin the great season of Lent. As we gather to enjoy the Variety Show I am reminded of the tradition of Carnival throughout Christian lands. In Brazil, New Orleans, Germany and elsewhere people take this last weekend to celebrate just before they enter into the penitential season of Lent. Here in Lino Lakes we have our own tradition of celebrating before we enter into this same season.

On Wednesday we begin our forty days of penance in preparation for the celebration of Easter. For those over 12 years it is expected that they will not eat meat on the Fridays of Lent. For those over 21 it is expected that they will fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday as well as abstain from meat. These are our times as a Catholic community that we publicly give witness to our shared faith. There are some organizations that benefit from this seasonal discipline (McDonalds) and others who just don’t get why we should do this (those who forget to abstain on Friday and end up feeling guilty).

I encourage you to enjoy this week of contrasts. Enter whatever Carnival you can today through Tuesday so that entering into the penance of Ash Wednesday will be a stark reminder that we have crossed into a new season of the Church.


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