Experience God's Saving Presence
Through these ritual expressions, Christians experience the love of God as revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The original meaning of the word 'sacrament' comes from the Latin sacramentum, “oath” or “pledge”. It broadly referred to any manifestation or revelation of the sacred (sacer). Over time, the Roman Catholic Church defined specific Christian rituals as sacraments. Since the 12th century, we have celebrated seven sacraments. They can be grouped into three categories.
Sacraments of Initiation
- Baptism - becoming a Christian.
- Confirmation - confirming your baptismal promises; both lead to the Eucharist.
- Eucharist - gathering to be fed by the Word and by the Body and Blood of Christ.
Sacraments of Healing
- Reconciliation - becoming one with God and the community.
- Anointing of the Sick - offering support and strength for those who are ill.
Sacraments of Vocation
- Marriage - celebrating the love between a man and a woman as a gift from God.
- Holy Orders - hearing God’s call to ordained ministry and to be of service to the Catholic community.