Together in Spirit

Liturgy & Ministry Information

We invite you to prayerfully consider sharing your unique God-given gifts in building our community of faith, here, and wherever the Spirit leads you on your spiritual journey. Contact Andrea Grasse at (651) 784-3015 x105 or at

Current ministers: Manage and check your schedule here.

Eucharistic Minister

The Eucharistic celebration is the "source and summit" of our belief and practice as Roman Catholic Christians. We encourage those who feel the call and reverence of the Eucharist to consider assisting the priest and serving the community as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. Eucharistic ministry is open to all confirmed (Sr. High - Adult) members of the Church. A brief training and orientation are provided. "We are many parts, we are all one Body. And the gifts we have, we are given to share."

Hospitality (Usher/Greeter)
Hospitality is the root of all Christian Ministry. Our worship place is truly a "home" for our community of faith. Volunteers gifted with a warm, welcoming personality are desired to greet our families into our worship home, and to assist and provide hospitable services as needed. A great way to meet people and help build community! Hospitality service is open to all individuals (Youth - Adult) and families. Training and orientation are provided.

Those gifted with a confident and precise speaking voice and charisma, and who have a continuing desire to study and live the Scriptures are encouraged to consider the ministry of Lector.  The ministry of proclaiming the Word of God to the Assembly of believers—the tribal story-teller—is intimately rewarding. Open to those confirmed (Sr. High – Adult). Training is provided.

Altar Server
The ministry of assisting the priest or deacon at the altar can be a marvelous opportunity to serve our community of faith. Altar service is open to all interested persons (4th grade - Adult), male and female. Members of the same family are encouraged to consider serving at the same Mass together. Training and orientation are provided.

Sound Board Operator                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Being able to clearly hear & understand the spoken word and music is essential to our Liturgy. We are looking for individuals high school age and above with a gift of technology and sound to assist at the sound board for each Mass. Duties include monitoring the sound levels during Mass. Having a knowledge and passion for technology is a plus, but not required. Training is provided.

Multi Media & Sound Board Operators                                                                                                                                                                                                        The use of our Multi Media Board is essential to our Mass experience. If you have a talent or interest in running the Multi Media Board for weekend liturgies or other St. Joe's events we would love for you to join us! This volunteer position is open to anyone 15 years of age or older and training is provided.