Together in Spirit

Our Communion of Saints

Prayer: On The Anniversary Of The Death Of...

Lord of Life and Death, today, I remember the death of (name) whose life touched mine and added to the richness of my existence. I pause to recall the good times that we shared together. I am grateful that these are imperishable treasurers which I will carry with me into eternity.  Within the mystery of Your divine plan, our life-pathways came together and blended as parallel pathways. I am grateful today for all that we shared in our times together, for humor and work, for affection and trust, for the celebration of life.

Lord of Compassion, we are all sinners and in need of divine healing, so grant to (name) whatever is needed so that he/she can rejoice forever in Your divine friendship and eternal care. Gracious Lord, I lift up into Your Divine Heart my loved one and ask that You grant to him/her eternal peace and the perpetual company of Your saints.


Brothers & Sister of our Parish who have passed during October 2023- October 2024:

Alice Mann
Barbara Mickelson
Bob Chilson
Dan Perfect
Darlene Newman
Doris Biser
Elizabeth LeTendre
Eric Caldwell
Fran Marshik
Frances Jolly
Frank Demma
Geraldine LaBelle
James Michaels
Joe Stepka
John Enestvedt
John Frischmon
John Stodola
Katherine Johnson
Kevin Cahill
Lawrence Carroll
Lorraine Eppenberger
Makenna Flaherty
Marcella Christenson
Mark Blissenbach
Maureen Jeffries
Nancy Mooney
Oliver Becker
Partrick Johnson
Richard Lichtscheidl
Ron Sprague
Shirley Knutson
Thomas Connoy
Thomas Novotny