Together in Spirit

Charity & Justice

We are called: to seek mercy, act justly and walk humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)

The message of Jesus Christ was very simple and very hard; to love God and to love all other people. As Catholics we must respond to this message with dual actions – Charity and Justice.

Charity is the act of touching those in need. We reach out to our circle of friends, to our community, to our nation, as well as to the global community of humankind. Charity is the giving, from our hearts, of that which is needed by others to survive and flourish.

Justice expands charity. Justice looks at the injustices that leave people needing charity and takes actions to correct them. Both are essential for us to truly be a prophetic voice in our community.

Our Charity & Justice Commission is always open to new members. If you are interested and/or have questions, contact Denise Walsh at (651) 784-3015 ext. 110 or

Catholic Social Teachings
A blueprint for making the world a better place:

  1. The Life and Dignity of the Human Person: Do we prejudge people based on their clothes, their athletic ability, what kind of house they live in, the color of their shin, how old they are?
  2. Community and the Common Good: Are you a peacemaker? How can you reduce violence?
  3. Basic Human Rights & Responsibilities: Are you informed about the injustices in our world?
  4. The Option for the Poor and Vulnerable: What acts of charity are you called to?
  5. The Dignity of  Work and Rights of Workers: How aware are you of  items made by workers receiving substandard pay?
  6. Solidarity: How aware are you of how your actions support or undermine the economic and social well-being of those in third world countries?
  7. Care For Creation: In what ways do you recycle and try to protect resources? Do you question how much energy and natural resources you use?

(Source: US Catholic Bishops Conference)