Together in Spirit

Browsing Pastor's Notes - Fr. Bill Deziel

Election 2024 - A Voice from the Past

As I am writing this on Tuesday morning of election day, I have no idea what will happen. No one does at this time. Polling indicates it to be an extremely close presidential election and the exact make up of congress could vary significantly. As you read this, you know who has won, or if it’s still being decided, or contested, and what are the moods and reactions in the country. So I offer a few thoughts from the distant (now ancient?) past of last Tuesday, not knowing what has happened with the election and who our newly elected president is now.

First, let us all pray for our country and for those who have been elected, whether we like them or not, whether we voted for them or not, whether we’re rejoicing, or in sorrow at the outcome of the election. Prayer is so important, and our leaders need prayers. St. Paul stresses the importance of prayer for our leaders (1Tim 2:1-2).

Second, sometimes it can seem like the end of the world when our candidate loses. We find ourselves imagining only the worst. We can also be tempted to see only blue skies when our candidate wins. But history has lots of twists and turns and unexpected surprises. Sometimes those we have supported don’t do as much good as we expected, and even do some bad that we didn’t expect, and sometimes those we didn’t support don’t do as much bad as we expected, and even surprise us with unexpected good.

Third, the democratic process is just that, a process, and we are blessed to participate in it. It is never done with one election. The democratic process continues and there will be future times to vote - always asking and seeking God’s help to make our country a more perfect union. We hear the words of Abraham Lincoln, “with charity for all and malice toward none” we move forward. We don’t gloat, or despair, or fall into anger.

Fourth, we are people of faith, and we, like Jesus, are in the world, but not of the world. Our firm foundation is Christ and His love for us. No candidate or political party is our ultimate foundation. Our Foundation is Christ. The political process is incredibly important, but we know that our greatest hope is in Jesus Christ and His Holy Church.

Fifth, God is always leading and guiding us. Our world is sinful, broken, and suffering, and God knows that. That’s why he sent his Son for us. God helps us with all that is going on in our lives, our families, our communities, our nation, and our world. God can work through some of the most unexpected leaders whomever they may be to achieve His will. God sees what we cannot.

In Christ,

Fr. Deziel



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