Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany when Christ is manifest to the world. We’re all familiar with the story of the 3 who came to visit with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrr. They’re known as kings, or wisemen, or “magi”. The word magi is found in the scriptural account, from which we get the word Magic, but exactly who they were and where they came from, we do not know. The big picture view of this Feast comes from the word “Epiphany” which means “to be manifest”. The three who visit the newborn Jesus show that Christ is now becoming manifest to the outside world. He is being visited from those beyond the local neighborhood of the Holyland and the Hebrew traditions, to people everywhere of all nationalities, creeds and races. This is the first hint that the Gospel is for all. Jesus has come not just to save the hometown folks, but peoples everywhere near and far.
The Israelite nation always thought of themselves as the chosen people, but they were chosen by God to be his special people to spread the message near and far of God’s love for all people. To be the chosen people is not so much about being part of a special club, but rather to share in a special call to share what has been given. The knowledge of God’s love is not something that can ever be contained by one family, or tribe, or nation. It is a message that is to go out joyfully, prophetically, and powerfully to all the world.
The three Magi who visit Jesus go home and tell what they have seen. They along with the shepherds, are the first evangelists beyond the Holy Family. They are blessed with an amazing encounter with Jesus, and they cannot help but to share that good news with others. We are called to follow that pattern. We encounter God’s love for us in Christ Jesus, and His Church, and then we joyfully tell others about it. Let’s follow the example of the three magi today as we celebrate this Feast that rejoices in God’s love for us in Christ Jesus being manifest to all the world!
Happy Feast of the Epiphany!
Fr. Bill Deziel
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