LA Fires Collection
This weekend we will take up a collection at our Masses to assist those suffering from the unimaginable tragedy in Southern California. Our parish collection is one small way that we can help. It will support Catholic Charities with their emergency relief efforts in the Los Angeles area. Thank you for your generosity and for your prayers for all who have died, and are suffering, and for those brave men and women who are tirelessly fighting the blazes and responding to those in need. May Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, come to their aid.
It’s a Jubilee Year!
2025 is a special Jubilee year! These happen every 25 years with the last one being in the 2000. Pope Francis opened the special jubilee door at St. Peter’s on Christmas Eve to welcome pilgrims to Rome, but one doesn’t need to travel to Rome to seek the special graces of this year. I will offer more in articles and homilies to come but for now, simply take in the Jubilee Logo which speaks of the Holy Father’s desire that this be a year of great hope for the Church and the world.
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