Together in Spirit

May 2016 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

May 2016 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Active Members Equal a Healthy Church

Posted by Mary Nguyen on 5/20/16

Pope Francis expresses a great concern over clericalism. His experience of it in Latin America convinced him that is was the reason that the Church has been in a death spin in that part of the world. Although almost 90% of South American countries populations would call themselves Catholics, very ... Read More »

Remembering our Mothers

Posted by Mary Nguyen on 5/20/16

A young mother with three children under six tells me that she doesn't pray as much as she should. I ask her how much she thought she should be praying. She wasn't sure, but she just knew she wasn't praying enough. I asked her if she was in some ... Read More »

Prayers & Support (with tape too!)

Posted by Mary Nguyen on 5/20/16

It is amazing at what a piece of tape can do! I saw a therapist for my left knee a couple of weeks ago and she confirmed that I actually had a problem (which I already knew). Once we both knew the problem she began to apply a piece ... Read More »


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