Together in Spirit

From the Desk of Fr. Mike

From the Desk of Fr. Mike

From Room 512 Regina

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/25/24

I thought last week would be my final column, but before I begin settling in at my new residence I have to begin by saying: Thank You!!!

Sunday was a beautiful day. The choir blew me away with their gift of “Jerusalem, my happy home”. It has been a ... Read More »

Treasured Memories

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/17/24

Last week I entered the parish office while Jenni and Anne were in the middle of a conversation. I overheard their explaining that people had been calling “trying get his mailing address or email and we don’t have it yet.” I assumed that it was people who were seeking ... Read More »

Our Relationship with God

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/10/24

After the man, Adam, had eaten of the tree, the LORD God called to the man and asked him, "Where are you?"  He answered, "I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid myself." Then he asked, "Who told you that ... Read More »

Enjoy the Transition

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/03/24

I find myself in a familiar but uncomfortable place. I have always enjoyed the movement forward in a transition, but I have never enjoyed the ending of what I had been doing. This experience goes back as far as my grade school years. The last days of the school ... Read More »

We are Called to Welcome the Stranger

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/29/24


“Donald Trump accused President Joe Biden of unleashing a “bloodbath” at the U.S.-Mexico border, escalating his inflammatory rhetoric as he campaigned in two Midwestern swing states likely to be critical to the outcome of the 2024 election.

Trump, who ... Read More »

Journey into Retirement

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/21/24

These have been amazing days for me! When I felt a peace beyond understanding enter into my soul as I prayed about retirement I did not know where that decision would lead me. I knew that I needed to leave that in God’s hands, but I did have a ... Read More »

We Love what He loves: the human race in all of its diversity

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/13/24

I love the dialogue that the apostles have with Jesus as He approaches his ascension into heaven. We are told that Jesus had been appearing to them and discussing the Kingdom of God with them. It leads them to ask: “Lord, are you at this time going to restore ... Read More »

These are Precious Days

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/06/24

I am grateful that I can announce to you that your new pastor is Rev. William (Bill) Deziel. He is currently the pastor of Annunciation in South Minneapolis. As you contemplate the future of our community it will be tempting to find out as much as you can about ... Read More »

Being Open to New Beginnings

Posted by Anne Serwe on 4/22/24

He cannot help himself….As he looks over his territory he sees a rival sitting in a branch challenging his stake on his turf. There is only one thing to do: attack! He rushes madly at the intruder as he watches it streak right towards him. They collide with a ... Read More »

New Declaration Dignitas Infinita

Posted by Anne Serwe on 4/15/24

By Elise Ann Allen  Apr 8, 2024   Senior Correspondent, Crux

Monday’s new Declaration Dignitas Infinita on Human Dignity from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) presented the consistent life ethic of this seamless garment, offering a clear definition of human dignity as the Church sees it ... Read More »


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