Together in Spirit

March 2023 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

March 2023 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Focus on Jesus

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/27/23

Lord Jesus Christ, you commanded Lazarus to step forth from his tomb and by your own resurrection freed all people from death. We pray for your servant Weston, who eagerly approaches the waters of new birth and hunger for the banquet of life.

Do not let the power of ... Read More »

Celebrate the Works of God

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/20/23

“Father of mercy, you led the man born blind to the kingdom of light through the gift of faith in your Son, free these elect from the false values that surround and blind them. Set them firmly in your truth, children of the light forever.” (From the introduction of ... Read More »

The Scrutiny's

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/13/23

This year we have several candidates for reception into the full sacramental life of the Church. (They have been baptized previously in other Christian denominations) and one catechumen (unbaptized). All will enter into full sacramental life in the Church at the Easter Vigil. We treat the catechumen a bit ... Read More »

God's Promise to Abraham

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/05/23

The LORD said to Abram:"Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father's house to a land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be ... Read More »

The Beginning of Lent

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/01/23

This is the first Lent in my life that has been affected by a seasonal disruption of winter weather. Who can guess what will happen with February weather? At the risk of not following the Church’s calendar it seemed to make more pastoral sense to move the distribution of ... Read More »


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