Together in Spirit

July 2017 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

July 2017 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Saying Goodbye

Posted by Anne Serwe on 7/24/17

I have been distracted the past couple of weeks which has gotten in the way of my column. You see Mr. Peabody (my cat) had come in from some nocturnal activity two weeks ago and he was missing his right front canine tooth. He had a kind of tangle toothed ... Read More »

Enjoying the Patio

Posted by Anne Serwe on 7/10/17

I am finally sitting out on my deck almost every day as the afternoon warms and I am surrounded by beautiful shade trees that keep my deck cooler than the rest of the yard. I do not know who planted those trees so many years ago, but I have ... Read More »

Fr. Mike's 2nd Anniversary as St. Joe's Pastor

Posted by Anne Serwe on 7/03/17

This weekend is my second anniversary of being your pastor. I remember celebrating Mass on that first Saturday evening (the July 4th weekend) and wondering if there were really two thousand families registered, because the church was so empty. Then over the course of the next several weeks I ... Read More »


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