Together in Spirit

June 2017 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

June 2017 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Thank You Steve Robach & Fathers !!!

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/19/17

Today we are celebrating Steve Robach’s retirement. He has spent 13 years of dedicated service to our parish. In that time he has helped bring people into the church through the RCIA program. He has helped generate adult faith formation possibilities as well as given direction to the faith ... Read More »

The Father and I are One

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/12/17

So God created mankind in his own image,in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Gen 1:27

As the author of Genesis reflects on the creation of humanity, it is interesting that God makes us in his image in the midst of a community ... Read More »

Embracing a Greater Identity

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/07/17

One of the terrible discoveries an infant has to come to is that it is a separate individual distinct from its mother.  We all have to go through this; but before this is discovered there is a long moment in which the infant sees its mother as an extension ... Read More »


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