Together in Spirit

June 2019 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

June 2019 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Eucharist is a Gift

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/26/19

The Eucharist is such an amazing gift to us. It is Jesus’ way of being with us always. It is such a simple gift; bread transformed into his body; wine become his blood. At the same time it is beyond human comprehension to understand how the God who created ... Read More »

Being Prepared

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/17/19

It seems that the majority of mass shootings occur either in schools or churches. Most schools have adjusted their security styles to limit access into the school and to protect their students throughout the day. They have fire as well as shooter drills to practice what happens in those ... Read More »

The Holy Spirit is Active in our Lives

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/13/19

I was confirmed in fourth grade. The teaching of the time was with the onset of the Holy Spirit I would become a soldier for Christ. To punctuate this idea first the bishop would anoint me with Chrism Oil and then he would tap me on my cheek as ... Read More »

Take Time to Slow Down

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/03/19

A few years ago I began to confront the manic interiority that I was raised in. Growing up I was always be busy doing something. If I had a break in the action, my mother or father would find something for me to do. This led to a certain ... Read More »


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