Together in Spirit

June 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

June 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

How We Evangelize

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/27/22

I just read an article by Ines San Martin in Crux magazine talking about a Leesburg, Virginia couple that has been leading the Trinity House Community, “a non-profit inspiring families to make their home a taste of heaven for the renewal of faith and culture,” according to its website. ... Read More »

Re-Reading Documents from the Second Vatican Council

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/21/22

I have been re-reading the documents of the Second Vatican Council. I think the first (and only) time I read these documents was when I was in the seminary. The Council began in 1962 and ended in 1965. It produced 18 documents on varied subjects that addressed the Church’s ... Read More »

Upcoming Shoulder Surgery

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/13/22

I am amazed at the growing physical limitations I am experiencing with the arthritis in my shoulders. Even before I became pastor at St. Joe’s I was beginning to experience weird noises as I moved my arms, especially as I combed my hair or attempted to put anything above ... Read More »

Eucharist a Sacrament of Love and Unity

Posted by Anne Serwe on 6/07/22

This past weekend it was announced that Pope Francis will create 21 new cardinals on August 27th.  These princes of the Church come from France, Brazil, India, Mongolia, Paraguay, Nigeria, Timor Oriental, Ghana, USA, Singapore, Columbia, Belgium, and Italy.  Pope Francis has been consistent in naming these “electors” of ... Read More »


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