Together in Spirit

September 2018 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

September 2018 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

A Servant to the Least of Us

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/24/18

I have been very blessed in my journey of priesthood. My first assignment as a pastor was at Holy Name in South Minneapolis. It was a small failing community with a school that could not be sustained. The neighborhood was changing and although there was a faithful group of ... Read More »

Ready to be Home

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/17/18

According to several sources the new rectory should be ready for me to move into during the last week of September. I am not sure of the moving day yet, it is being worked out, but hopefully by the first weekend of October I will be residing at 141 ... Read More »

A Long Learning Curve

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/10/18

I do not doubt the accusations of Archbishop Viganò saying that Pope Francis knew about the background of Cardinal McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington DC. However I am not stunned by the accusation nor would I push for Pope Francis’ resignation. We have been watching Pope Francis grow ... Read More »

Faith is Action

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/04/18

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:17

The apostle James will tell us that we need to be doers of the Word and not just ... Read More »


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