Together in Spirit

November 2023 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

November 2023 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Keep our Eyes on What Matters

Posted by Anne Serwe on 11/20/23

I enjoy reading mystery novels. The best of them gives misleading cues causing the reader to be misdirected as s/he tries to figure out the who, what, why’s of the story line. The worst of these kinds of stories are when the author gives few, if any, clues which ... Read More »

Prayer for Peace

Posted by Anne Serwe on 11/06/23

On Friday afternoon, October 27, Pope Francis presided over the Prayer for Peace in Saint Peter’s Basilica. The whole day was dedicated  to fasting and prayer for peace in the world. A day that was called by the Holy Father given the events in the Holy Land.

Here is ... Read More »


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