Together in Spirit

September 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

September 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Dei Verbum

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/12/22

The third constitution from the Second Vatican Council that Pope Francis is encouraging us to read as we prepare for the Holy Year of 2025 is titled: Dei Verbum (English-The Word (Verbum) of God (Dei). The document was embraced by the assembled bishops in a vote of 2344 to ... Read More »

Dei Verbum

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/09/22

The third constitution from the Second Vatican Council that Pope Francis is encouraging us to read as we prepare for the Holy Year of 2025 is titled: Dei Verbum (English-The Word (Verbum) of God (Dei). The document was embraced by the assembled bishops in a vote of 2344 to ... Read More »


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