Together in Spirit

August 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

August 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Vatican II: Sacrosanctum Concilium

Posted by Anne Serwe on 8/29/22

The first document that the Vatican Council Fathers issued in 1963 was the Constitution on the Divine Liturgy. It was titled Sacrosanctum Concilium which comes from the first two words of the document, which was written in the official language of the Roman Church(Latin) Those two words in The ... Read More »

Study the Second Vatican Council Documents

Posted by Anne Serwe on 8/22/22

The Protestant reformation of Christianity officially began with the priest, Martin Luther, publishing ninety-five thesis that took issue with Roman Catholic Church practices in his lifetime. He did this in 1517. It lit a fire throughout Europe as many others who had issues with the way the Roman Church ... Read More »

Faith Formation Update

Posted by Anne Serwe on 8/10/22

As we continue to pursue a Director of Faith Formation for the church, I've been working with the Faith Formation Commission to identify interim leaders for our youth Faith Formation programs that will begin this fall. We have identified two parishioners that are willing to take on these roles ... Read More »

A Reflection for You

Posted by Anne Serwe on 8/01/22

I pass on to you a reflection by Christoph Blumhardt

Avoid dividing the world into “us” and “them.” If you do, you will harden your heart. There are not two worlds, one in God’s hands and the other one not. There are not two species of people, one totally ... Read More »


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