Together in Spirit

2020 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

2020 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Send Fr. Mike a Card

Posted by Anne Serwe on 10/26/20

We heard from Fr. Mike earlier this week and he sent his well wishes for everyone. If you would like to send him a note or card, please feel free to do so at:

St. John Vianney Center

Attn: Fr. Mike Anderson

151 Woodbine Road,

Downingtown PA 19335 


On Sabbatical and Prayers for You All at this Time

Posted by Anne Serwe on 10/04/20

I have been given an opportunity to go on a health and wellness sabbatical and I welcome this opportunity. I will be going to the St. John Vianney Center in Downington, PA where I will be participating in a weight loss and wellness program. I also will be working ... Read More »

The Struggle of Saying "Yes"

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/28/20

Growing up I found it easier to say yes to what my parents asked of me than to argue with them. However, this does not mean I immediately acted on what they asked of me! A request to cut the grass often led to a three-day period in which ... Read More »

Pre-Synod Prayer

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/14/20

A few weeks ago I gave an update of the Archdiocesan synod process. I gave you the basic outline of the points that will be covered in the synod.  I also told you that the synod would take place on Pentecost of 2021. A day after this was published ... Read More »

Understanding Jesus' Message

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/01/20

St. Peter finally gets it when asked by Jesus: “who do you say that I am”. His answer is a definite and definitive: “You are the Christ the Son of the living God.” Yet this week as Jesus continues his teaching, Peter finds it all too much as Jesus ... Read More »

Update on Our Archdiocesan Synod

Posted by Anne Serwe on 8/24/20

As we have been living through the pandemic precautions the Pre-Synod Prayer and Listening sessions tended to fade into the background. However, Archbishop Hebda and his team continued to process what they heard and just recently articulated the focus areas of the 2022 Archdiocesan Synod.  These will be three ... Read More »

We Need Give and Take

Posted by Anne Serwe on 8/17/20

I am part of this country as you are too. I believe in this country and it’s people. I believe in the divine principals of justice and freedom for which these people fought which will grow up as the nation grows. I believe no petty evil can harm the ... Read More »

Jesus Journeys with Us

Posted by Anne Serwe on 8/10/20

Last week we heard how Jesus fed five thousand men not counting the women or children, with five loaves and two fish. All ate until they were satisfied and the disciples collected twelve baskets of leftovers. Today the great deeds continue as Jesus walks on water to join the ... Read More »

Greetings from Gulu, Uganda!

Posted by Anne Serwe on 8/03/20

Greetings from Gulu, Uganda! 

My name is Fr. Martin Agwee and I serve as the Chancellor and Treasurer for the Archdiocese of Gulu in Northern Uganda. I have been looking forward to making my first visit to the great country of the United States of America to visit you in ... Read More »

God Leading us to Recovery

Posted by Anne Serwe on 7/20/20

For a time in my youth as I thought about the greatness of God, I would ask the common question: “If God is so powerful; why does he allow evil to happen in the world?” Isn’t the expression of evil in the world a sign of the weakness of God?

We hear in both the first reading as well as the Gospel that the answer is  precisely the opposite. As Wisdom declares: “But though you are master of might, you judge with clemency, and with much lenience you govern us; for power, whenever you will, attends you.”  Jesus makes it clearer in his parable of the sower who sowed good seeds. While he was asleep his enemy came and sowed weeds. As both grow the servants point this out to the sower with the question: “Do you want us to pull out the weeds?” and his answer: “No, if you pull up the weeds you might take the wheat with them.” The sower certainly had the power to rid his garden of the weeds, but if it costs his wheat crop it would not be worth ... Read More »


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