Together in Spirit

2017 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

2017 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Posted by Anne Serwe on 12/27/17

From Fr. Mike and all of the staff here at St. Joseph of the Lakes we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!


Value - It's a personal & relationship thing

Posted by Anne Serwe on 12/19/17

My parents were very careful to make sure that they evenly divided the value of the Christmas gifts they gave to me and my siblings. I think that they actually believed that we (as children) actually paid more attention to the value of the gift instead of just enjoying ... Read More »

Updates on Knees & Parish Rectory

Posted by Anne Serwe on 12/12/17

I am getting caught between feeling better and still being limited. I enjoyed joining the 8:30 Mass community last Sunday, but after standing for the opening prayers of the Mass I had to sit through the rest of the Mass. My right knee and muscles in my leg were aching pretty ... Read More »

Advent - Something better is Coming

Posted by Anne Serwe on 12/04/17

I now have three stations on my satellite radio that are playing constant Christmas music. I am not sure, but I think if I looked for it I would find on regular radio at least one station dedicated to Christmas music. As I am watching more daytime TV I ... Read More »

Time for a Health Update

Posted by Anne Serwe on 11/27/17

One of the great risks I face every time I have surgery or even dental procedures is that I am prone to developing an infection in my artificial joints. When I go to the dentist I take anti-biotics an hour before my teeth are cleaned. The recovery from my ... Read More »

Guest Blogger - Amy Moore

Posted by Anne Serwe on 11/20/17

Season of Thankfulness

As we sit down with family and friends this coming week, I’d like to add my list of things that I am grateful for as they relate to our parish community: For antibiotics and advancements in medicine that can assist Fr. Mike in the healing of ... Read More »

Gaining in Experience

Posted by Anne Serwe on 11/14/17

Over the last weekend I appreciated the warm greetings from you on my return. There were several who commented on how it is “hell” to get old. I responded to one person by saying that I really am enjoying getting older. They looked at me strangely but I explained ... Read More »

Back on November 1

Posted by Anne Serwe on 10/30/17

It has been a couple weeks since you heard from me. I am recovering well from my revision surgery. The actual pain in my knee was gone immediately after the surgery was done. It seems that there is a plate located under the kneecap that is attached to the bone by ... Read More »

2017 Summer Festival Results Are In!

Posted by Anne Serwe on 10/02/17

The Festival Committee is pleased to share with you the financial results for the 2017 Summer Festival. Net profits for this year's Festival exceeded $102,000. Congratulations to all!! This is a new record and a major milestone! Proceeds from the Festival go directly into St. Joe's operating budget - ... Read More »

Vision Building for St. Joe's

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/25/17

Last Spring the Pastoral Council worked on producing a vision statement that would give guidance over the next several years. They consulted staff members and volunteers as they formulated a statement that starts by saying: “In fifteen years Saint Joseph of the Lakes will….”  This was work that I ... Read More »


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