Together in Spirit

May 2019 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

May 2019 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Appreciating Wisdom

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/28/19

Tuesday is the 36 year anniversary of my ordination to priesthood. When I was a younger priest I never really appreciated the collected wisdom that comes with the years of experience. Now I find myself enjoying the fruits of these many years of living as a priest. I used ... Read More »

Accepting Others as They Are

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/20/19

My mother was a back seat driver of the highest proportion. At almost every intersection she would gasp as she waited for the impact of the on-coming car, even if there were no cars at the intersection. Driving faster than 30 miles an hour was incredibly risky calling for short ... Read More »

Celebration of Life

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/13/19

I have noticed when the cremation society advertises its services on TV they have survivors talking about the “celebration of life” of the deceased person. One woman says that when she dies she doesn’t want anyone standing over her coffin crying; instead she wants a celebration of her life. ... Read More »

Bringing People closer to Jesus

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/06/19

What a huge week we have had between the Easter Vigil, Confirmation and First Communions we have brought over one hundred people into a closer contact with Jesus and His body here on earth. When you multiply those initiations by all the dioceses throughout the United States alone the ... Read More »


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