Together in Spirit

September 2021 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

September 2021 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Last Vacation Blog

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/27/21

I spent a couple of days touring the area around LA. The first day I drove up to Malibu in search of the James Rockford mobile home on the beach…sadly I never located anything that looked slightly like it, though the ocean area was beautiful. On the next day I ... Read More »

Vacation Blog #2

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/13/21

Part 2 of my recent vacation out West…..

We rested one night in Emeryville to get ready for the big adventure of the day: a drive down Hwy 1 on the Pacific Coast from to Los Angeles. While Karen (my sister) slept in her room, I went to the ... Read More »

Vacation Blog #1

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/08/21

Unless one lives on the East or West coast where the Amtrak railroad functions as a commuter line no one would expect the passenger rail carrier to deliver on time performance. Instead a person would choose to ride Amtrak because of the slower pace and the scenery along the ... Read More »


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