Together in Spirit

March 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

March 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Conscious of Health Issues

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/28/22

Since returning from St. John Vianney Center last year I have been more conscious of my health issues so I have been getting physicals every six months. In October the most remarkable notation (for me) was that I had dropped from a height of six feet to five foot ... Read More »

Living out Independence

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/21/22

Many years ago, as my older sister was living out her independence from parental expectations, she decided to host Thanksgiving dinner. She prepared a wonderful roast beef dinner with all the right trimmings (including popovers) for that type of meal. Walking into her house one was greeted with the ... Read More »

Variety Show - A Wonderful Celebration of our Community!

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/01/22

By now there is one more performance of “That’s Snowbiz” to be done. I have been practicing with the men’s group on our one contribution to the show: “Gotta Plow”. Last Sunday I joined the cast as they practiced with the stage band and was overwhelmed by the energy ... Read More »


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