Together in Spirit

April 2017 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

April 2017 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Thank You

Posted by Anne Serwe on 4/24/17

We certainly had a beautiful entry into the Easter season!  I want to thank all who helped our community step into this season of the resurrection. Andrea Grasse with the choir, the accompanists and the cantors created wonderful music to celebrate the movement from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday.  ... Read More »

Easter Blessings

Posted by Anne Serwe on 4/18/17

Halleluiah – He is risen!

It was on the ‘first day of the week’ that Mary of Magdala and the disciples discovered the empty tomb where Jesus had been laid, a perfect time for something ‘new’ to unfold among the human family. The resurrection of Jesus assures us of ... Read More »

From the First Eucharist Retreat

Posted by Anne Serwe on 4/03/17

Over 70 of our 2nd grade children preparing for their First Eucharist joined together this past Saturday for our First Eucharist Retreat. Thank you to the parents/guardians for volunteering by serving as group leaders and leading the five activity stations; Bread Making, Centering Prayer/Letter to Jesus, Church Tour, Rosary, and Host and Wine ... Read More »


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