Together in Spirit

May 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

May 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

It's Spiritual and Physical

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/31/22

Not long ago someone greeted me at church and told me that they were just coming back after the great COVID scare (my words, not theirs) and they were very happy to be back. A month later they once again alerted me to their return, because they had stopped ... Read More »

These have been Good Years

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/24/22

Watching the news this morning I saw a woman graduating from the University of Minnesota 40 years after she began. Her comment was: “just tell everyone they have to go for it!” The news reporter told us that she began her journey in the 80’s. My first thought was ... Read More »

A Revolution of Tenderness

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/16/22

Rome - In the hopes that the world can be freed from the “specter of loneliness and the demon of war,” Pope Francis is calling on the elderly to lead a “revolution of tenderness.”

Old age, he said, is not a time to “give up and lower the sails,” ... Read More »

Confirmation and First Eucharist

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/09/22

It was a very eventful weekend last week as we completed the initiation of our high schoolers as they received the gift of the sacrament of Confirmation and the second graders advanced their initiation with the reception of Holy Communion. I am sure you have been told this several ... Read More »

Great Days of the Easter Promise

Posted by Anne Serwe on 5/02/22

Every Spring I am amazed at the violence of life that cannot be subdued by most anything the weather throws our way. Last Sunday, most people coming into the church complained about the bitter cold and harsh wind, yet as I drove my golf cart back home after doing ... Read More »


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