Together in Spirit

March 2019 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

March 2019 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

The Divine Presence

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/18/19

Today the scriptures speak to us of remarkable encounters with the Divine. In both the first reading and the Gospel highly unusual events take place where God physically interacts with human beings in mystical ways. This is the way we expect God to show Himself when He talks with ... Read More »

The Reflective Time of Lent

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/11/19

And so it begins.....we enter into one of the more reflective times of the Church’s year: the season of Lent. Hopefully Ash Wednesday provided a good entry into the season. I know that a few of you will have forgotten to abstain from meat, while others will argue that ... Read More »

Week of Contrasts

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/04/19

This is our last weekend before we begin the great season of Lent. As we gather to enjoy the Variety Show I am reminded of the tradition of Carnival throughout Christian lands. In Brazil, New Orleans, Germany and elsewhere people take this last weekend to celebrate just before they ... Read More »

Actions Speak Louder than Words

Posted by Anne Serwe on 3/04/19

In the Roman times a child was considered the possession of the father. It was only when the child came into its adulthood that it gained any “rights” over its life. Before that time came, the father could decide to destroy it at anytime and there would be no ... Read More »


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