Together in Spirit

2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

The Funeral Mass - It Is Worship

Posted by Anne Serwe on 12/13/22

In a December 4th article in Crux: Taking the Catholic Pulse,  Father Jeffery Kirby, STD, who is a Papal Missionary of Mercy and the Pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Indian Land, South Carolina writes:

The season of Advent is the season of hope, which is a ... Read More »

The Promise of God

Posted by Anne Serwe on 12/05/22

A headline from the Associated Press on Tuesday, November 29, 2022: “Census: Christians a minority in England; non-religious grow”.  The lead sentence of the article reads: “Fewer than half the people in England and Wales consider themselves Christian, according to the most recent census — the first time the ... Read More »

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays - An Enlightenment

Posted by Anne Serwe on 11/28/22

I received a note from someone who had an “enlightenment” and wished to pass this realization on to the rest of the parish. In many ways this is a very good suggestion, but in a singular way it is also a clarion call that the world as we know ... Read More »

End of the Liturgical Year

Posted by Anne Serwe on 11/21/22

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe is the last Sunday of the liturgical year, bringing us full circle toward Advent hope. Christ reigns, enthroned in heaven, King of heaven and earth for all time. After listening to stories of his life and ministry through ... Read More »

Love, Commitment and Remembrance

Posted by Anne Serwe on 11/07/22

Jesus said to them,"The children of this age marry and remarry; but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they ... Read More »

A Story about Expectation & Gratitude

Posted by Anne Serwe on 10/10/22

The first reading of today’s Mass needs a bit of introduction. We are getting the end of the story, but the ending does not give the fullness of the encounter. Naaman is the army commander of the king of Aram. He had leprosy, which is an affliction that could ... Read More »

Traveling by Rail

Posted by Anne Serwe on 10/03/22

There is something about railroad travelers that is different than any other traveler I have experienced. First there is a common pattern of stories that we tell and that we share. We recount the various routes that we have been on, and the different experiences that we have had ... Read More »

Dei Verbum

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/12/22

The third constitution from the Second Vatican Council that Pope Francis is encouraging us to read as we prepare for the Holy Year of 2025 is titled: Dei Verbum (English-The Word (Verbum) of God (Dei). The document was embraced by the assembled bishops in a vote of 2344 to ... Read More »

Dei Verbum

Posted by Anne Serwe on 9/09/22

The third constitution from the Second Vatican Council that Pope Francis is encouraging us to read as we prepare for the Holy Year of 2025 is titled: Dei Verbum (English-The Word (Verbum) of God (Dei). The document was embraced by the assembled bishops in a vote of 2344 to ... Read More »

Vatican II: Sacrosanctum Concilium

Posted by Anne Serwe on 8/29/22

The first document that the Vatican Council Fathers issued in 1963 was the Constitution on the Divine Liturgy. It was titled Sacrosanctum Concilium which comes from the first two words of the document, which was written in the official language of the Roman Church(Latin) Those two words in The ... Read More »


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