Together in Spirit

April 2023 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

April 2023 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Fr. Mike Mayo Clinic Update

Posted by Anne Serwe on 4/24/23

I had a good week at Mayo Clinic. I met with Dr. Dyck, one of the teaching staff of neurology. Following that I had another MRI of the lumber region of my back. The next day I had several tests including an EMG to check the nerve sensitivity of ... Read More »

Alleluia - He is Risen!

Posted by Anne Serwe on 4/11/23

I want to thank all who made this Holy Week a wonderful prayer time—our musicians and choir, those who decorated our worship space several different times this past week—our liturgical ministers including hospitality, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, servers and the sound board and video board ministers.

I also want to ... Read More »

A Gift Received

Posted by Anne Serwe on 4/03/23

The mother of Zebedee’s children (James and John) came to Jesus with her sons. She got down on her knees before Jesus to ask something of Him.  He said to her, “What do you want?” She said, “Say that my two sons may sit, one at Your right side and one at ... Read More »


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