Together in Spirit

July 2018 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

July 2018 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Understanding the Eucharist

Posted by Anne Serwe on 7/31/18

For the next several weeks we shift from listening to St. Mark’s gospel to listening to St. John’s sixth chapter. It is the heart of our understanding of the Eucharist as a Catholic Church. If you get a chance please read this chapter of John’s gospel on your own ... Read More »

Message from Driving?

Posted by Anne Serwe on 7/22/18

Last week I started out on my vacation which was beginning at Pelican Lake. I got lost traveling north in Anoka trying to stay on highway 169. Instead, I got twisted up and ended up going north on highway 47. As I passed through St. Francis I became more ... Read More »

God's Grace

Posted by Anne Serwe on 7/18/18

In Jesus Christ we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of transgressions.”

We hear about the great early martyrs who when pressed to deny their relationship with Jesus Christ were willing to shed their blood, lose their property, and see their families destroyed by the Roman persecutors. What ... Read More »

Happy 4th of July

Posted by Anne Serwe on 7/09/18

Blessings to all as we celebrate our Country's birth.  Hope you have time to spend with your friends and family.  As a personal note I will be out of the office on my summer vacation starting July 9 and will be back in the office on July 18.

Knight of Columbus State Gathering

Posted by Anne Serwe on 7/02/18

This weekend the Minnesota State Knights of Columbus will be gathering here at St. Joe’s for the installation of one of our parishioners, Marc Peters, as the State Deputy. I want to welcome the Knights of Columbus State organization and to congratulate Marc on this singular honor. On Saturday night we ... Read More »


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