Together in Spirit

January 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

January 2022 archive of From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Seeking Unity in Celebrating the Mass

Posted by Anne Serwe on 1/24/22

There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit. (1Cor.12:5-6)

Last Sunday we heard these words of Saint Paul proclaimed in the second reading. They continue today as Saint Paul talks about the singular body with its various parts. The whole point of his exploration is to encourage the Corinthian community (and us) to realize that Jesus comes to establish his Body here on earth for all time. The Corinthians were sparring with each other over several different issues, best characterized by their division over who was the best and most important. Instead of seeing their differences as an asset to be built on, they argued that one way was better than another. This caused friction and scandal not only within the community, but it overflowed as a public manifestation that even the non-members of the community could ... Read More »

The Wedding at Cana

Posted by Anne Serwe on 1/17/22

On the Second Sunday of Ordinary time the Church always proclaims John’s gospel story of the wedding at Cana. (John 2:1-11). John reports this as the first sign (manifestation) of Jesus’ glory as the Son of God. Three years ago, January 20, 2019 Pope Francis gave his Angelus address ... Read More »

Protect - Don't Condemn

Posted by Anne Serwe on 1/10/22

It is 7:08 am on Tuesday morning December 28, and as I write this column, once again Dr. Ashi Jha is giving the same report on the COVID virus. The major change of the moment (so that there might be anything to report) is that the waiting period if ... Read More »

Happy & Blessed New Year to All

Posted by Anne Serwe on 1/03/22

Happy and blessed New Year to you and your families!

I am writing this before we celebrate the Christmas liturgies, but already I am seeing the choirs doing extra practice, the decorators spending their time in the church getting it ready for our celebrations. It takes so many different ... Read More »


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