Together in Spirit

Browsing From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Looking to our Future

The worst of begging for money is coming in the next few weeks. I promise that once we get past the middle of March you will not hear much about giving from me for a while. Hopefully by that time we will also be caught up with our "Invest In Our Future" campaign and our second collections will be finished. In the next two weeks we will enter into the Catholic Services Appeal. Last year we made our goal and the amount has not changed for this year, so first I want to thank you for what you gave last year, and I am confident that we will do the same for this coming year.

On the weekend of March 4 & 5, Fr. Gary Wiesmann will be joining us for Masses. He is a priest of the Diocese of Mandeville located in Jamaica. He is our "summer" missionary preacher. I will be putting more information about his diocese and its needs into the bulletin as we get closer to the time of his visitation.

After his visit, the next time you will hear about giving will be coming from the cemetery committee as it begins offering columbarium spaces for sale. Right now the group is working on the pricing of those spaces and I am thinking by March it will be decided and we will begin moving forward with construction of the columbarium in our cemetery.

I know it seems like a lot of asking all at once, but as you are responding to the We Are Changing Lives program and making pledges to increase your giving you are opening up a sense of hope and excitement for us as we make plans for our future as a parish community. Thank you for your patient endurance as we get ourselves on a track toward our future as a parish community.


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