Together in Spirit

Browsing From the Desk of Fr. Mike

Thank You for the Wonderful Celebration

…And then it was over! I had been reflecting on what I wanted to say at the celebration of our anniversaries, but between the Archbishop’s and Fr. Ken’s words I did not have an opportunity. What I wanted to say would have sounded something like this: 

I have served the Lord and His Church for forty years. They have been years of great joy and great pain. By God’s grace I find I spend more time reflecting on the joyful times rather than the painful. There are several moments of great beauty and joy that I treasure above all. This celebration and all that has lead up to it is one of those moments. To be surrounded by a parish community that I love while praying with the Archbishop, Fr. Ken and Deacon Tom is a moment that I will continue to treasure for a great while. 

It continually moved me to see and hear the planning activity that took place in the months before this celebration. A large part of my joy was to see the happiness expressed as so many gathered during the Mass and the reception that followed. In the week that follows I shall unpack the experience enough to make sure I thank all those responsible for such a rich experience. 

On another, separate, note: it has been several weeks since I had the injection in my back. It has made no difference in the pain and lack of mobility that I struggle with. Dr. Atkinson, the neuro- surgeon who advised me to try the injection, told me that if the injection had no affect he would not do back surgery at this time. The next step he pointed me to was to begin working with a bariatric team to lose over one hundred pounds.  I begin that journey in July. 

Given that reality I do not see myself driving, walking or climbing stairs for a long while. This has and will affect my ability to be present to those who seek the sacrament of anointing of the sick or seek confession as they struggle with their health concerns. My closest priest friend, Fr. Steve Ulrick has agreed to become our part-time sacramental minister as he enters into his retirement on July 1. He will be working closely with Meisha Johnson, our pastoral minister and with me.  Nothing will be changed in the way that you seek this assistance. When you call for sacramental assistance either Meisha or I will answer the call. If there is a need for a priest to anoint or hear confessions we will call Fr. Steve and he will respond. 

I have talked this through with Fr. Tix, the Vicar for Clergy, and he agrees that this seems like a plan that will serve our community well, so we will try this for the coming year. If it does not serve us well then I shall enter into medical retirement next year. 



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